by Ele
28. July 2011 16:16
Do you enjoy the amazing pleasures of oral sex..?
Of course you do! Who doesn't..? As amazing as oral sex can be though, you could always find ways to make it even better. Here are a few tips to mix it up a bit and keep things hot.. or cold!
Play with bubbles
Champagne bubbles can help give oral pleasure a bit of extra fizz! Take a mouthful of the bubbly and get ready to please!
Minty Fresh
Add some extra tingle with some mints. Place a mint in the side of your mouth. It will enhance the sensations and add an extra zing!
Ice Ice Baby
Feeling the summer heat? Ice cubes are excellent for creating new sensations. Have one in your mouth when you kiss your partner all over. Your mouth will also be nice and cold when it comes to oral sex, giving a whole new feeling of pleasure!
by Ele
9. February 2011 07:00
Attention gentlemen! Valentine’s Day is only days away, as may be your anniversary, special lady’s birthday, or other special occasion that requires a romantic gift idea for your girlfriend. I know, Christmas was just less than a couple of months ago, and you may not have fully recovered from agonizing over that. However, you do still want to have what your girlfriend would consider a cute Valentines day. Trust me. That is why I am here to help!
To plan a romantic gift for your girlfriend you need to factor in the length of time you’ve been together. If it is a new relationship, a small gift under $50 is probably sufficient. However, if you’ve been with your girlfriend for a year or more, a present in the form of a romantic gesture may be exactly what she would enjoy the most (and by romantic gesture, I do not mean two tickets to see your favorite sports team play). Remember, cute Valentines day..
For a relationship that is fairly new or casual, give a casually romantic gift such as:
A gift certificate to her favorite salon for a massage, hair cut, manicure, and/or pedicure.
The book, CD, or movie she has been talking about.
Dinner at a romantic hot spot in town, or cook a special dinner.
A dance lesson for the two of you. Fun, get’s your blood pumping, and you look like you’ve really put thought into it.
What about for someone you have been with for quite some time or have become very serious with in a short amount of time?
If she has asked specifically for something or has dropped some heavy hints, do not ignore. Never ignore.
How about a techie gift? Kindle, iPad, new phone, or accessories for these.
A scrapbook of your good times together. This could be in the form of a slideshow or movie also. Make sure to include a special message.
Jewelry. Remember women's best friend! Especially the ones that last forever.
A hand-written love letter. This is your time to shine!
And how about something you both can enjoy? Well, the best gift of all, assuming of course your relationship is ready for it, would be to spice it up with a funtoyclub membership!
ok, ONLY if she does absolutely LOVE your favorite sports team are you permitted to get the tickets. Good luck and enjoy your cute Valentines day!
by Ele
13. November 2010 10:52
With the "sex and the city" movement came a steady breakdown of sexual barriers in the media. Is the notion of sex toys officially "out of the closet"?
It seems that the subject of sex toys is definitely gaining acceptance in our society. People are becoming more comfortable talking about sex toys and more open to trying them. More women than ever before are openly admitting to owning a dildo or vibrator. Sex toy retail sales are also at an all time high. “We’ve seen this category grow pretty significantly over the last couple of years”, Amazon spokeswoman Charmaine Diploa says.
There is obvious evidence that a movement is taking place. However, the subject of sex toys still seems to come with a sense of taboo for many. Is this because sex is surrounded by a feeling of shame since we first learn about it in our youth? Sex toys are just one example of this sense of taboo. We find a lack of communication, and even embarrassment, in subjects ranging from sex toys to politics, morality, and personal faith. Is it because of the personal nature that it is tied to? Perhaps it is just a manifestation of the innate need to keep our most intimate details to ourselves. After all, the nature of sex is as intimate as is gets. The need for privacy and discretion is understood, but why the sense of taboo?
So the basic question remains: why do we feel embarrassed over something we accept, practice, and understand?